Welcome to The Real Woman Foundation
Healing and empowering women and children: building Nations
Bringing timeless teaching that offers encouragement, restoration, healing and strength to women
Sheltering with love and care
Back in her university days, she always spotted those who were hungry or in need and helped them in whatever way she could. She did not see what she was doing then as a call on her life, but kept on giving and helping.
To provide rehabilitation and skill training to economically and socially disadvantaged women and children, thereby empowering them to positively affect their families and the society.
Healing and empowering women and children, building nations
Seminars/conferences (The Real woman seminar/conferences)
The vision of the Real Woman foundation was conceived with the conviction to bring emotional healing and empowerment to women. The foundation started out by holding seminars with Nike Adeyemi bringing timeless teachings that offer encouragement, restoration, and direction and strengthen to women.
Rehabilitation (Peace Villa and Love home orphanage)
One of our objective is to improve the social and economic status of abused women and abandoned children in the society. This we do by providing conducive home where we shelter with love and care and also providing quality education and skills.
Workshops and Outreaches (Catch them young and New You outreach)
In a world plagued by the devastating epidemics of commercial sex work, women and child trafficking, abuse, and illicit sex, the fabric of morality is unraveling before our eyes. To wage war against this plagued, we organize workshop for young students both in public and private schools and outreaches for commercial sex workers educating them and expose them to a better way of living.
Media publication (Real woman media)
We teach and preach the word of God through electronic mass media i.e. Television, Radio internet etc. We have a global TV broadcast called Real woman with Nike Adeyemi
Includes the following: